Long Weekend and Jumper

Another long weekend and this time its for President's Day. It seems like this year, a lot of holidays fall on Monday and since Michael works with the government, it means that he gets ALL of them. Some of you (esp in Msia) may start saying, "whts the big deal?". Well, it IS a big deal since here not everybody gets off on ALL holidays. Most companies only close for Xmas, Thanksgiving and July 4th (plus a couple others) and they have floating holidays where you have to choose whc holidays you want to be off and which you dont which means that you have to come to work.

Anyways, we decided to watch the movie Jumper despite the not-so-good reviews that we'v been hearing. I mean, after watching Cloverfield, im up to watching anything! :P It turns out to be not as bad as the reviews say. It's a bit childish-like movie but nevertheless still entertaining.
One other thing that I like about going to the cinema to watch a movie is that I get to know what movies would be coming out soon. So far Im excited about Hellboy II, Prince Caspian The Chronicles of Narnia (yes i love Narnia!), Indiana Jones and Angelina Jolie's new movie Wanted.

But is there any M.Night Shyamalan fan out there? I know I am. Huge fan of his movies to the point that I think I tend to be biased when it comes to his movies. At least thats what Michael told me. He knows that at a mere mentioning of M.Night Shyamalan, id be telling him, "oh we'r definitely gonna see that!" in a heart beat. Dont care wht its about or whos in it. All I care is that if it comes from the him then I must watch it. Anyways, his new movie is called The Happening and its coming out on June 13th this year.

Michael told me that we should wait for it to come out on dvd (gasp!). I dont think I can wait that long. From my past experiences, his movies usually take a long time before they finally come out on dvd and I cannot (read:would not!) wait that long. Lagipun sini mana dvd ciplak bukan macam kat msia, kan? Trust me, Im definitely going to the cinema to watch it. With him of course! ;)


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