RPP III DPC Wahdah Islamiyah Maros di Aula Balitsereal Maros

Bertempat di Aula Balitsereal Maros, dengan lingkungan yang asri dan sejuk plus fasilitas aula yang sangat memadai, tanggal 27 Jumadil Awal 1432 H, 1 Mei 2011, para ikhwah DPC Maros berkumpul untuk bermusyawarah dalam rangka Rapat Pleno Pengurus yang ke-3 kalinya.
Rapat Pleno kali ini dihadiri oleh ketua DPC Maros dan kurang lebih 20 ikhwah baik ketua departemen maupun anggotanya. RPP membahas progress program kerja yang telah dicanangkan pada Rapat Program Kerja tahun lalu. 
Dalam sambutannya, Ketua DPC WI Maros, Ustadz Djusran memotivasi para ikwah akan pentingnya  barisan (shaf) yang rapi lagi kuat  pada sebuah jamaah dakwah.
Setiap departemen diberikan kesempatan untuk memaparkan progress kerjanya kemudian dikomentari oleh ikhwah yang lain. <infokom Maros>

Random Post

Hola everyone!

A new look, but i didn't get any good pictures sadly..it has a shimmery brown in the crease and a shimmery grey-ish blue that has little gold reflexes (even though it looks silver)  in the lower lash line and on the lid. 

 Some Random Pics of things i did while i was having the internet issue 

Thought of drawing something..i got inspired by a shirt i saw on the forever 21 site

Cleaning those brushes!!

All  clean and dry

Attempted Hello Kitty on my nail lol

Mmmm Iced Capp!! looovee <3 ..if you live in Canada you konw what i mean :P

Was walking at night time and saw a puddle that looked like a heart! 

Made a dream catcher just for fun...my very first one and i didn't get this result at my first attempt.
Hope you liked this really random post :)
Leave me suggestions for new post & follow me on twitter 

Knock Knock


Man where are the new posts?? Yes ..i know i said i would be posting more after im done school...but i had some issues with the internet BUT its all good now :) so ill start posting soon...soon as in tomorrow! well..hopefully :P


Follow ME : )

Hola everyone, hope your day or night is going well 
Just wanted to share my twitter and tumblr links so i can get some followers, if you can, then please follow me and get your friends to follow me there and here on my blog! it would mean a lot :) thanks


This Week i Liked

Hola everyone!
here are a few things that i want to get 

I really want to get these Ray Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses

I'm liking these white ones as well..these ones are at American Eagle 

Really colourful, and perfect for spring and summer 

Something to jazz up any outfit

So different but so cute! i want this one for sure :p

Perfect for a casual day out 

Let me know what you think about my likes

Smoky Sparkly Purple

Hola everyone! 
yes i know my eye brows aren't done :P
Hope you like this look, and if you have any suggestions for me to do then let me know in the comments below :) now that im done with school till september..ill have more time for posts. 


keeping it Simple

Pink and Blue Daisies

Another Flower Inspired Look

I Do Not Own This Picture

It was a rainy day today, basically rained all day so couldn't even go outside. So i decided to do a new look, i loved the colours of the flower but i decided to use a different shade :p I hope you guys like :)

Inspired By a Flower


March 2011 Beauty Favs!

I know its been a while since i have posted but its the end of my first year university..and im just busy with studying..ill be posting a lot more as soon as im done this month :) hope you like my favs for march!



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