President Barack Obama - The New Kid on The Block

I wanted to write about our recent trip to the Yosemite National park but since today is the inauguration, I thought I would write about that instead. I will write about the trip next ok?

I woke up at 6.30am this morning and turned the tv on. Today is the day that Mr Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States of America and I would not want to miss it. Not that that was the reason I woke up early. That is just the normal time for me to wake up so I can help Michael get ready to work. His coffee, sodas, water and lunch.

Anyway, when I see the throng of people in front of the White House, it reminded me of the day when Prince Charles married the late Princess Diana. Don't you think so? The picture was somewhat the same with thousands of people waiting to see and millions more glued in front of the tv. It was surreal. President Obama (no more president-elect!) is likable. Like Diana was. He is rather young (for a president), so was Diana when she married Charles. He listens about things and the world, so did Diana. He is a people person and so was Diana.

Now, I am no expert in politic. Not Malaysian politics and definitely not other countries. That is why I hardly ever talk about politics. What I say and see would be from a layman's point of view. And as a layman, I see that President Obama is very likable. Nobody knows how different he is going to be from the previous ones but what he inherited is by no mean 'peanuts' problems. And boy, does he already has a lot on his plate or what? The economy is at its worst. Housing market is down and people are losing their homes. Financial market is somewhat free-falling no thanks to the greedy bast***s and the administrative that enabled them to keep being greedy bast****s that they are. Companies and businesses are closing and people are losing jobs. More and more people can't afford healthcare while the healthcare companies keep making millions of profit by charging exorbitant fees and denying healthcare to (some of) the subscribers. Then there is the Gaza situation where at least 700 civilians died including children and women. I doubt anybody inherited that much as does President Obama. Let us all pray that he would make good judgements and decisions that would be good to the majority.


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