Free Entrance to Disneyland on Your 2009 Birthday

I love Disneyland. The happpiest place on earth. I wish I could go there once a week but the entrance fee is so freaking expensive. Yes its cheaper to buy the yearly pass (when you pro-rate the cost) but it would still put a huge dent in your budget especially when you have kid(s). And that is before you add in your meal expenses or your express pass or those souvenirs or clothes. Trust me. If you have kids esp girls, you'd go crazy looking at the princess dresses, tiaras, accessories and such. I dont have kids and I still went crazy! Too bad (or is it thank god? lol) Im not working anymore.

But watching abc7 news this morning, I found out that for the whole of 2009, Disneyland is going to give you a free entrance on your birthday. Isnt that awesome?! I think the offer also includes Disney World Orlando. I think. Dont take my word for it. Just go to their respective websites to find out how to get this offer and more or just google for disney free birthday entrance. Please bear in mind that the free entrance is only on your 2009 birthday but you can make the reservation starting now. If you're planning for a visit to SoCal, maybe you can schedule it around your birthday. Children below 3 enters for free.


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