Who Knew ...

Dunno why I suddenly remembered this story.

A few weeks ago, we went to a garage sale to check out a floor freezer and floor lamp. Once we confirmed that we could haul it into our small rented car, we told him that we'r gonna take it. And then my eye caught a booklet of something that says Made in Malaysia and told the guy, "that's where Im from". He asked me which part and so on and told me that he lived/worked in Spore just before the asian economic problem back in 97-98. He was talking to me while at the same time helping Michael with putting the freezer in the car. Once the money exchanged hand, we left.

On the way home, I remembered that we didnt even ask him about the floor lamp and told Michael about it. This is what he said to me.

"Yeah, it was a nice lamp too but I just wanted to leave before I got into trouble. He was getting too friendly with my wife".

To which I replied, "Babyyyyy".

He's so cute sometime. Im not taking it lightly though and I would never ever make him jealous intentionally coz I know I wuldn want him to do the same. I know how it feels when someone you love flirt with other people either in front of you or behind your back. Either way, its not cool.

To my baby, I love you with all my heart! No other man can take that away.


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