Its been a week since we moved from Orange. It was rather an easy move thanks to Kevin & Shirley who offered to come and help us. It wouldn have been easy without their help especially with the heavy stuff and the fridge that we need to go picked up, also bought thru craigslist. BeeYinn of Rasa Malaysia also came by. Again, I would like to thank all 3 of them for their help! We both really appreciate your help. *hugs*
Anyways, as you can see from the pictures, our new place is so much bigger than the old one. After 2 years of living in a shoebox, this feels like a mansion! hehe. Its also cooler here since we are so close to the Pacific Ocean. Being surrounded by other apartment blocks help since we only get direct sun around noon and sun down. The front of the house in facing east so we always hang out on our frontyard in the evening. Its cool (from the breeze) even when the sun is hot. ;)
The only thing tht I dont like (so far) is the fact that there's so many bugs and mosquitos around. I have like at least 15 mosquitos bites all over my body and theyr driving me crazy. Looks like we'r gonna have to invest on a screen door since I cant forever apply calamine lotion on my body. Its so not vogue! :P