My Indian kiddies

So for anyone who knows me, they know that a big part of my life has always been working with children. I've been fortunate enough to have varying experiences with children in different countries and my experience in India has been nothing short of spectacular. Carrying on my legacy as the 3rd/4th grade Judaics teacher at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, I am now teaching the kids of Mumbai in Gan Katan every Sunday. The EPJCC is where Geraldine and I work everyday and run programming. The JDC, which runs the JCC, is an amazing organization that has reinvigorated and brought new, innovative programming to the youth of Mumbai. Each week I teach about 10 children the aleph bet, holidays, songs and anything else you could think of in a religious school class. Hopefully throughout the year we'll bring in more programming that will allow children to explore and learn about Judaism. The room that I teach in looks different, but we follow a similar plan of markers, glitter and lots of fun. Here are some of the pictures thus far from Gan Katan and general cuteness of my new students!
Looking ravishing after a 26 hour Yom Kippur fast.
The beautiful sukkah at Magen David synagogue. This was honestly the most gorgeous sukkah I have been in (even when bats were ferociously devouring the fruits hanging from the ceiling)
Learning the aleph bet
Perhaps my favorite camp game of all, dead fish.
Making flags for Simchat Torah


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