It was a cold night and the rain was just starting. I actually thought I took some video of the somewhat-dancing-light but it has been a while since I used the video mode on the camera that i forgot I still have to push the button for the video to start rolling. Duh!
Anyways, as you can see from the pic, the stars didn quite go around the railing. We only bought a box with 10 stars and we thought they were enough since our balcony is small but obviously we were wrong. We are still going to get another box so we can 'balanced'out' the balcony coz we realise that our balcony looks kinda funny. ;P
Last night we went around the apartment to see who else and how many other apartments put up the light. Not many at all. There was this 3 units (1st, 2nd and 3rd) that put up the light whc makes them the most coordinated but suffice to say despite our small balcony, ours is the BRIGHTEST! yay!