
Yesterday, Thursday Sept 13, is the first day of Ramadhan where most Muslim around the world started observing the fasting month. Back in Malaysia, the whole month of Ramadhan is like a festival. Almost all restaurants would have the buffet and ppl from all walk of life would join in. There would be dept buka puasa (breaking of fast), company's buka puasa, buka puasa with brokers, buka puasa with friends and etc. Almost everyday ppl will have the reason/excuse to eat out and trust me, there's enough restaurants/hotels in KL to do that and then some.

Some of my non-muslim friends would even fast on the day that we'r breaking fast together or at least wait until its time to break the fast rather than start eating before everyone else as a sign of respect to those who fast the whole day. Though you are bound to see ppl who are not fasting and started filling up their plates and gorging down the food when the rest of the ppl around them are still fasting. sheesh! insensitive like tht. :P

Anyways, besides the rm30-100 (usd8-28) buffet, there's also the ramadhan bazaar where you'll find hundreds of stalls selling all the goodies for breaking of fast. Most of them started selling the food as early as 2-3pm until the food are gone or until the time to break fast, whcever comes first. THIS kind of bazaar is my fav. here are the list of my fav for buka puasa:

1. Murtabak
2. Ayam percik
3. Popiah basah
4. Nasi kerabu
5. Kuey teow goreng
6. Nasi tomato
7. Lala goreng
8. Tepung pelita (a must to have everyday!)
9. Sugar cane juice

What are your fav Ramadhan goodies?


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