Disney's California Adventure Park

Disneyland California (Aneheim) has 2 theme parks Disneyland Park and Disney's California Adventure Park. These parks are huge that even 1 day each is not enough for you to cover them. Not to mention the queueing and waiting that you have to do for each ride/show. Even on school day you have to queue what more on school holidays or long weekend. When we went to Disneyland Park it was a long 3-day weekend and it was rather hot so the park was really packed. Since our tickets are the 2-day park hopper (1 park each day) which cost us around 70/pp we get to go to both parks within 30 days of first use of ticket.


When we went to Disney's California Adventure Park, it was a Saturday and we went earlier than before but still earlier than the park's opening time which is 10am (if im not mistaken). Apparently Disneyland opens earlier (8am) than Adventure Park. But good thing is we get to do the ride that I have wanted to do which is the Grizzly River Run. You can see the picture of us on the ride before we put the camera away since we do get wet! I hope you will enjoy the pictures and maybe feel that you were 'there' with us.

The 3 pictures above are of Zephyr which is the ride from which the picture from the previous post was taken. Yes I am very afraid of height. I knew I was going to be very scared once I started 'flying' but the fool that I am, I thought I would be ok and I was also feeling sorry for Michael who would not go on any ride without me. So off we went into the rocket and then it starts flying and moving away from the platform. I could see the ground and started ventilating. My muscles jammed and I gripped the security bar tightly because I was afraid of getting thrown off. Michael on the other hand was snapping away and keep asking me to open my eyes. *roll eyes*


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