Destination Truth - Haunted Mosque in Malaysia

Friendship and ghosts goes hand-in-hand. Im kidding. Of course I made that up. I am talking about the series Destination Truth which made their way back to Malaysia again this season. Last season they went in search for of all the things .... bigfoot! It was a rather boring show. This time however they went to this haunted old abandoned mosque in Tanjung Karang. I wasnt sure where it was since I could not understand when he said Tanjung Karang and I didnt have my contacts on so I couldn see the writing on the television. That is until today when they finally put out the full episode on their website where you go and watch it with minimum commercial break. And so I went, oooohhh Tanjung Karang. But didnt they say it was like somewhere up north? To us Malaysian, Tanjung Karang is nowhere near north. North is like Penang and Kedah.

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Anyways, besides the part where she didnt like the abc or shaved ice with brown sugar, cremed corn and etc, it was pretty good. They set up a camp just outside the mosque and graveyard area and took turn sitting in the mosque. Alone. One by one. The first one was the girl Ryder which of course didnt experience anything. Oh, I forgot to mention that the ghost in this show is pontianak or vampire (?). The 'translator' when trying to translate the word pontianak to English said it's bitches. (He had banshee in mind though. :P ) Josh had fun at that and I really cant blame him. Can you? Hahaha.

So, the second person was a guy Casey. Poor guy, you can see that he was clearly scared shitless. 18 min into his time, he started to look disturbed and scared. He lasted 23min out of the 30min time. The next one is Josh who also encountered some weird stuff like a creaking sound of a door being opened and someone tapping the tin roof. The 4th and last one was Jarod who started rather funny with something flying around his face. Mosquito or something. He also didnt last the whole 30min due to the commotion outside the mosque. You have to go and watch it yourself here on Destination Truth to find out the rest.


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