The Earthquake

Oh my god! I finally felt a big one today. It started with a sound like somebody was running back and forth on the top floor and I remember thinking, what the hell are they doing running back and forth and then wham! the whole building started swaying. Then it hits me that its an earthquake! Thank god there's no damage (nothing that I can see, at least!) but it was enough to shook me. It lasted for maybe like 5-6 seconds, longer the last one that iv experienced and definitely bigger.

The phone lines, both house and cell were down for a while but seems to be working now although I still cant call Michael. Either he's still doing his medical check up or his cell phone is not working yet. It is already on the news saying that its 5.4 magnitude. Im praying that there wont be any aftershock or anything like that. It was scary enough for me!

One thing good that came out of this is that I get to meet another neighbour. lol.


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