Dont ask me why but last night I suddenly remembered reading somewhere about Pluto not being a planet anymore or is gone. So I told Michael about it. He apparently didnt know about it either and since I cant really remember what actually happen, the conversation were pretty funny. There was, "is it gone from the solar system?", "shouldnt it be big news if Pluto suddenly disappear?", "did it explode?" and so on. I then told him that I would google 'what happen to Pluto?' tomorrow (that's today lah).
So, google it I did today. And I was right. Well, partly at least. Pluto is still there. 2 years ago on Aug 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded Pluto from a full-fledged planet to a dwarf planet. Why they call it dwarf planet, I have no idea. But I think its absurd since we have dwarf human and if we take into account the IAU's definition, then its like saying the dwarf are not full-fledged human being. Ridiculous no?
Its not that im losing sleep over it but when you grew up knowing there are 9 planets and suddenly there are 8, you'd think about it every now and then.
Anyways, they (IAU) came up with a new definition and 3 criteria before its worthy to be called a planet. Those 3 criterias are:
1. It must orbit the Sun,
2. It must be large enough, and therefore have enough gravity to assume a round shape,
3. It must be the dominant force in its “neighborhood,” with no other objects nearby
Poor Pluto. It is not large enough to join the other siblings in the solar system thus getting itself outcasted, downgraded and kicked out of the (big-boys) planet club. Sounds familiar?