I have been spending my Raya Haji on the internet. The whole day! Won some bbp's for Michael's a/c at pokerpages and then continue surfing the net. Fun huh? :(
Anyways, I found this story about a Dutch vice consul and his wife who adopted Jade, a 4mths old baby girl 7 years ago from South Korea. Nothing wrong with that right? The wrong came when those sickos decided to 'return' her saying tht they could no longer care for her because of the girl's remoteness emotional. Can you believe that shit?
The couple even had the nerve to say, "Jade did not adapt to Dutch culture or food". Who in the right mind would believe such tale? The girl was 4months old when she was adopted for god's sake! Show me any 4 months old that can decide what she/he will eat and I will believe your tale. You shithead! You had her for 7 fucking years and you never even applied for a Dutch nationality for her and you worked at the consulate! You just simply 'dropped" her off to the Social Welfare dept in HK like an unwanted old pair of jeans.
Sigh... i just have to find this out today, dont i? Please do read more
here and you'll see why im so damn angry.