I read a lot though mostly i read fictions. No, im not the type who would read biographies but i also like reading real/true stories. Among the books that iv read recently are the chronicles of narnia. I only have the first and third of the series and still waiting for the whole set that i ordered from amazon. I usually take between 4-5 days to finish reading 1 book. Since i read so fast, he even suggested that i should read to him. lol!
On valentine's day, hubby bought me James Patterson's latest Step on a Crack. I started reading it the day after. By "my" standard, I should have finished reading it a long time ago, right? Unfortunately until today, iv only read up to page 161. Whats wrong with me? Am i losing my super fast reading power??? Maybe i should go to a support group. :P
On valentine's day, hubby bought me James Patterson's latest Step on a Crack. I started reading it the day after. By "my" standard, I should have finished reading it a long time ago, right? Unfortunately until today, iv only read up to page 161. Whats wrong with me? Am i losing my super fast reading power??? Maybe i should go to a support group. :P