Brown Gold With Red

Hola Everyone! 
Here's a new look..i know i havent posted in a long time! sorry..
In this i tried a new combination of mascaras (only 2) so if you guys like it and want to know which 2 mascaras i used let me know in the comments below :) 

Hope you guys like the look

What Friendship Means To Me

I love having friends. There's a Malay proverb, Kawan biar seribu, Musuh jangan dicari which means have thousand of friends but never look for foe/enemy. I have my bestfriends, a few really good friends, friendly friends and civil friends. There are also friends which I prefer to call acquaintances and lastly the used-to-be friends.Friendship, just like relationship is a two-way thing. You must both be in it. You can't ignore your friend and yet expect them to always be with/for you when you need them. Friends would laugh and cry with you. Basically if you invest in your friendship, you will get good friends.

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As a Muslim, I believe that everything we do/say depends on our 'nawaitu'/'niat' or intention. If our intention is good, insyaallah we will in return get good things too. If you start a friendship with the intention of getting something from that person than most likely that friendship will not last long. And when that happens, you have no one but yourself to blame. Although this of course is not always true since people like that will always put the blame on others instead of looking at themselves.

Living in SoCal for the last 5years have been great for me (and our marriage). There's a huge Malaysian/Singaporean community here that I don't  find myself missing home too much. Of course it's not the same but we immediately become instant family to each other. And I really mean like family, not just friends. We may be different in what we like or how we live our lives but we respect each other. And it helps that we don't have to walk on egg shells with each other! If/when we're not happy with something, we voice it out because that's what friends do. You can't be too sensitive about every damn thing and criticism is not an insult unless it's meant as one. If I insult you, you will know it. I hardly sugar-coat my insults. :P

Australia 300x250

Wahdah Maros membuka Sekolah Islam Terpadu

Dilatarbelakangi oleh keresahan dan keprihatinan terhadap krisis moral dan etika yang melanda bangsa Indonesia dan umat Islam, maka DPC Wahdah Islamiyah Kabupaten Maros berinisiatif membuka Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Madinah (Al Madinah Islamic School). Sementara ini, Al Madinah Islamic School mengelola TK Islam Terpadu dan SD Islam Terpadu.
Dengan metode Character Building Education dan Multiple Intelligence System dan program-program unggulan serta tenaga-tenaga pengajar profesional lulusan universitas-universitas terkemuka, Al Madinah Islamic School bertekad untuk mencetak generasi-generasi qurani yang cerdas, kreatif, hafal Al Quran, mampu berbahasa Arab, berprestasi dan memiliki daya saing akademik yang tinggi.
Pendaftaran dimulai tanggal 6 Juni - 6 Juli 2011 setiap hari kerja di Kampus Al Madinah Islamic School, Jl. Poros Maros - Pangkep KM. 2, Dusun BontoKapetta Desa Allepolea Kecamatan Lau Kabupaten Maros. 
Telp. 04115069994, 04113883039, 085298372011.

Collective Haul

Hola Everyone!
Here are some things i bought over more than 1 shopping trip :)



Pharma Plus: 





 Its more of a Hot Pink colour..not really Red

Im missing a picture of these other flat shoes (i guess thats what you'd call the ones i got form H&M) that i got from Ardenes, but i guess maybe you'll seem them in a different post :P
Hope you guys liked what i purchased and if you have any questions put them in the comments below :)

Fan of Soccer?

Hola everyone!
Just dropped by to talk about my tumblr :) Do check out my tumblr as well it will mean a lot to me. Besides beauty and fashion i really am a crazy soccer/futbol fan, and so i made a tumblr where i can go crazy about that since this blog is for beauty and fashion. So im going to leave my tumblr ulr incase any of you are into soccer/futbol and love it as much as i do. If ya than follow my tumblr :P 

That's it for now, there will be a new post up soon, until then


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